The Unhappy Millionaire
I’m excited to share the first two episodes of a podcast I’ve launched along with Ayn Rand Institute CEO Tal Tsfany: The Unhappy Millionaire.
The premise is simple. Tal and I have met a lot of people who have achieved every conventional measure of success—they’ve risen to the top of their profession, they’ve built successful businesses, they’ve earned millions of dollars—and they’re miserable. Or, at least, they’re not as happy as they could be and want to be.
The podcast gives our explanation for this phenomenon…and our solution. You can listen on iTunes, Spotify, or whichever podcast platform warms your heart.
Effective Egoism 101
The conception of earthly idealism I champion was defined by Ayn Rand. Here are three key works that summarize her perspective:
Faith and Force: Destroyers of the Modern World by Ayn Rand
Causality vs. Duty by Ayn Rand
The Objectivist Ethics by Ayn Rand
And if want the full case for egoism, you can buy my book Effective Egoism: An Individualist’s Guide to Pride, Purpose, and the Pursuit of Happiness.