This continues to be really valuable. I keep learning more and more about the fundamental differences between what I believe and what so much of the world has accepted. Thank you!

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Thanks for this interesting and thorough review of the origins of individualism. I especially like you quote from Cicero. Every human is capable of reason. As you did not mention a “downside” to Cicero, is it fair to assume that any downside was minimal or absent?

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Well, on this point he was simply echoing Stoicism, which is really bad. But Cicero wasn't an orthodox Stoic. He was influenced by them, but as I understand it, he was more aligned by Plato's Academy (which, at the time, was less Platonic and more skeptic). But my knowledge of Cicero is pretty limited, so it would be worth more exploration.

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Thanks for your super quick reply. There seems like never enough time to follow all the interesting leads from all the different angles. And it seems to get worse the more I learn. I’m so grateful to be curious. Do you find that as well?

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Yes, though I hope to do most of the work for my readers! I have a piece delving more into Stoicism coming up in a few weeks.

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Well, then I will be grateful, thanks. 👍

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Let see what Aristotle say: Aristotle Politics, book 8 section [1337a] (Book 5 in some editions.)

And inasmuch as the end for the whole state is one, it is manifest that education also must necessarily be one and the same for all and that the superintendence of this must be public, and not on private lines, in the way in which at present each man superintends the education of his own children, teaching them privately, and whatever special branch of knowledge he thinks fit. But matters of public interest ought to be under public supervision; at the same time we ought not to think that any of the citizens belongs to himself, but that all belong to the state, for each is a part of the state, and it is natural for the superintendence of the several parts to have regard to the superintendence of the whole. And one might praise the Spartans in respect of this, for they pay the greatest attention to the training of their children, and conduct it on a public system.

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I give Christianity, and ALL Religions, the label of "Child Mind Abuse" because Faith and Feeling are the Epistemology. When a child is developed with Faith and Feeling as their epistemology -- We/They can believe ANYTHING. Astrology, Manifesting, Collectivism, Individualism, Anything goes based on the FEELS. Don, curious, why leave out Epistemology in this article. That's how those of us,raised religious, knew anything. It didn't start with politics or morality, I think the fundamentals are all set when we are raised religious. https://raisedreligious.com

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Christianity includes the claim that man is a lost fragment of God. The Enlightenment is the only basically individualist culture in history.

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