I don’t get it you never actually said why and even your quotes that you sited proved goggins point but I guess people always look for a way to call someone out🤷🏽♂️
This is my favorite article of yours! Very well written and with very rich content that I think should be given more attention today. Your tips for elevating joy stuck with me. I'm a 24-year-old girl and I haven't achieved anything in life yet. I feel a lot of guilt when I take a day to rest, or when I stop to watch a film, I think that I should be producing, that when I achieve my goals, I'll have time to rest and have a little pleasure. I still can't handle it very well.
This isn't it. He's definitely a role model. Is he for everyone? No. Clearly not a role model for you. But don't say he's not a role model for you narrative. But he does have a point. You do need to suffer to gain happiness, health, wealth and a family. To gain, you need to give something up which is pain.
Dude, what gives you the right to judge? Corrosive - that's you bud. The weak are always judging, eh? He's just one person in this world that can help a certain type of person. This article is trash.
Here we go playing the victim card. The message goggins is trying to get a cross to people is a simple fact. The more you're willing to do things that make you uncomfortable the more you're willing to push yourself through difficult things difficult times difficult exercise. He's saying on the other side of that there's some Glory. But you got to be willing to do the hard work, that's what he's saying. trust me people that go to the gym those few months first few months they are suffering and it is good for them!
I do appreciate your point of view, but I do believe you missed the point of both men's message. Goggins is an extreme representation of his own message which is positve personal growth from actively doing the things that make you uncomfortable. As a 40 year old man that lives a very happy life. I can tell you that there is no way I could have achieved a sense of life fulfilment without purposefully adding positive mental and physical stress to my life. Overcoming difficult tasks consistently when no one is looking gives me a better chance at being a more proactive and positive father, husband , and friend. When the day is long and your energy is gone, the people in your life will still need energy from you and they deserve your attention and time. This is when you need the mental and physical stamina and the habits created from being uncomfortable to find just a little more within yourself for them.
I think that you’ve missed the point of what these men are actually driving at. I mean, I can’t necessarily blame you for not getting it though when you’re main source was from a woman who didn’t frown up in America and who’s likely never nor would understand the plights of men… not to say that woman aren’t warriors in their own right. I could never even imagine the things that they go through throughout their life but I find it very arrogant to assume that they (women) can pass judgments on “what it is to a man” but then don’t want to be told what is expected of them as women… with that being said I fully agree that there can be no true growth without being uncomfortable for a time to achieve said goals and/or desires. I agree, that’s not to say that there aren’t other avenues to get what you want but the pain or Uncomfortability is what makes it all just that much sweeter…
Soy boy is probably into inclusivity and trans rights.
Imagine asking Napoleon or Caesar if they’re happy.
I don’t get it you never actually said why and even your quotes that you sited proved goggins point but I guess people always look for a way to call someone out🤷🏽♂️
This is my favorite article of yours! Very well written and with very rich content that I think should be given more attention today. Your tips for elevating joy stuck with me. I'm a 24-year-old girl and I haven't achieved anything in life yet. I feel a lot of guilt when I take a day to rest, or when I stop to watch a film, I think that I should be producing, that when I achieve my goals, I'll have time to rest and have a little pleasure. I still can't handle it very well.
Definitely enjoy your life. But then it's back to work
“You will never see a hater doing better than you.” -David Goggins
And you are? Or are you an enabler and content with status quo? Your statement is way too broad and just not accurate.
As Sam Hyde once said: happiness is an emotion for women and children.
This isn't it. He's definitely a role model. Is he for everyone? No. Clearly not a role model for you. But don't say he's not a role model for you narrative. But he does have a point. You do need to suffer to gain happiness, health, wealth and a family. To gain, you need to give something up which is pain.
What a soft little cuck
Dude, what gives you the right to judge? Corrosive - that's you bud. The weak are always judging, eh? He's just one person in this world that can help a certain type of person. This article is trash.
Here we go playing the victim card. The message goggins is trying to get a cross to people is a simple fact. The more you're willing to do things that make you uncomfortable the more you're willing to push yourself through difficult things difficult times difficult exercise. He's saying on the other side of that there's some Glory. But you got to be willing to do the hard work, that's what he's saying. trust me people that go to the gym those few months first few months they are suffering and it is good for them!
Bunk. Soy boy 🤣
I do appreciate your point of view, but I do believe you missed the point of both men's message. Goggins is an extreme representation of his own message which is positve personal growth from actively doing the things that make you uncomfortable. As a 40 year old man that lives a very happy life. I can tell you that there is no way I could have achieved a sense of life fulfilment without purposefully adding positive mental and physical stress to my life. Overcoming difficult tasks consistently when no one is looking gives me a better chance at being a more proactive and positive father, husband , and friend. When the day is long and your energy is gone, the people in your life will still need energy from you and they deserve your attention and time. This is when you need the mental and physical stamina and the habits created from being uncomfortable to find just a little more within yourself for them.
I enjoyed the article though all the same. Still a worthwhile read brother
I think that you’ve missed the point of what these men are actually driving at. I mean, I can’t necessarily blame you for not getting it though when you’re main source was from a woman who didn’t frown up in America and who’s likely never nor would understand the plights of men… not to say that woman aren’t warriors in their own right. I could never even imagine the things that they go through throughout their life but I find it very arrogant to assume that they (women) can pass judgments on “what it is to a man” but then don’t want to be told what is expected of them as women… with that being said I fully agree that there can be no true growth without being uncomfortable for a time to achieve said goals and/or desires. I agree, that’s not to say that there aren’t other avenues to get what you want but the pain or Uncomfortability is what makes it all just that much sweeter…
Good article. I always look forward to reading your essays.
Two minor typos.
Pain and discomfort are signals that need to rethink your goals or your approach to your goals.
Should be: ...are signals that [you] need to rethink your goals...
You elevate joy when focus on what you want, not what you fear
Should be: You elevate joy when [focusing] on what you want, not what you fear.