This is my favorite article of yours! Very well written and with very rich content that I think should be given more attention today. Your tips for elevating joy stuck with me. I'm a 24-year-old girl and I haven't achieved anything in life yet. I feel a lot of guilt when I take a day to rest, or when I stop to watch a film, I think that I should be producing, that when I achieve my goals, I'll have time to rest and have a little pleasure. I still can't handle it very well.

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Good article. I always look forward to reading your essays.

Two minor typos.

Pain and discomfort are signals that need to rethink your goals or your approach to your goals.

Should be: ...are signals that [you] need to rethink your goals...

You elevate joy when focus on what you want, not what you fear

Should be: You elevate joy when [focusing] on what you want, not what you fear.

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