Nov 20, 2023Liked by Don Watkins

Thank you for this brilliant analysis of the situation and Rand's work. Clearly, you have thought deeply about this issue. You neatly put the entire picture in the appropriate context. Also, clearly, the problem is not explained by calling people anti-Enlightenment or social crisis caused by the death of God.

Your statement below restates Kant's position perfectly:

"Kant argued that reason is unable to know reality as it is in itself. It can only know reality as it appears to us through the distorting filter of our mind."

Rand recognized this problem with Kant, and it is without doubt a problem. Her interest was reason, and her brilliant, important, and groundbreaking theory of concepts. It is a first since Aristotle, and for clarity and truth, it is unique in philosophy. There are no words that I can think to express the debt I personally owe her for her Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. Thank you for enhancing my understanding with your analysis.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Don Watkins

Wonderful article, thank you for your work. I am a new subscriber.

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Awesome, thank you.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Don Watkins

Wow, this article is a real tour de force.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Don Watkins

Once again a masterful application of Rand's ethical philosophy to current world events which integrates why altruism continues to destroy the world and why our only hope is a re-discovery of the Enlightenment with a different moral foundation (Effective Egoism). Every commentator defending civilization on a religious basis should wake up and read this every day until they finally understand the damage they are doing.

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